Walking through the halls in the morning, students have energy drinks, Starbucks and Dutch Bros. The amount of caffeine that students have been intaking has been increasing significantly. Excessive amounts of caffeine can negatively affect their health.

The suggested maximum amount of caffeine that teens 12-18 years old should ingest is 100 mg, according to what source. Although 100 mg is still too much for teens, they should try and keep it under 100 mg, according to Michigan Medicine.
“I consume about 300 mg per day,” senior Nina Pernice said. “I consume most of my caffeine in C4, Monsters and coffee from Dutch Bros. Honestly, I think that it keeps me awake and energetic, especially because I have sports after school, and I have to wake up early in the morning for school.”
The reason teens often do not go a day without consuming caffeine is they think that it gives them more energy and helps them wake up in the morning. Teens claim not being able to sleep at night, but they consume caffeine in the morning to wake them up, according to what source. When consuming too much caffeine, it can throw off their sleep schedule, making them struggle to sleep at night, according to National Library Of medicine.
“I consume around 600-800 mg per day,” junior Mason Carter said. “The drinks I’m normally getting it from are usually espresso, Monsters, Rein and Ghosts. It’s beneficial to me because I can not run without it.”

People are trying to have students and teens stay away from caffeine, but some schools have vending machines that sell soda and energy drinks. Most teens will intake caffeine to get through the day at school and make it to their sports after school, but teens have started to rely on caffeine.
“I feel like I drink quite a lot of caffeine,” senior Brooke Binom said. “I would say I get most of my caffeine from Alani’s and Celsius. It’s beneficial to me because I have to wake up early and let my dogs out, and I’m really tired because it’s 5:30 a.m. Also, I do sports straight after school and need the energy.”