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Homecoming ’23: Meet The Queen Candidates

Winner To Be Announced At Game
Ali Schulz
Back Row: Bayli Wolfer, Annie Johnson, Christina Black, Alana Romey, Alicia Cantwell, Ava Pickens, Danielle Deterding, Annamarie Malena Front Row: Mia Sollars, Amira Cash, Eliana Brannlund, Julia Lipp, Keirra Reaves, McKenna Armstrong, Hannah Sheer, Taylar Thomas

Get to know your top 16 Homecoming Queen nominees. Seniors can vote on Canvas for the top five. Voting for top five ends Wednesday, and they will be crowned at lunch Thursday. The Homecoming Queen will be announced at halftime of the football game Sept. 29.


McKenna Armstrong (Ali Schulz)

McKenna Armstrong

What did you think when you heard you were chosen as a homecoming queen candidate?

“I was surprised. It’s weird to think so many people know my name now. I was told I had been nominated by a few people earlier in the week out of nowhere, so I think I was hoping to make it, but I didn’t think I would actually end up being a nominee because there are so many people in the grade that could be up here. ”

What sports and activities are you involved with at school or otherwise?

“Journalism/Yearbook (4 years), Soccer (2 years), Early College Academy (1 year)”

When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?

“I always said your typical teacher/doctor answer when I was little, but I really wanted to be in the FBI for the longest time.”

What do you want to do after you graduate high school?

“I want to finish getting my associate’s degree from MCC Maple Woods and then go to a university for communications and journalism. ”

What is one of your best high school memories?

“Going to journalism camp each year is always really special for me because it allows me to grow closer to my staff members and make a lot of fun memories. I also loved finding out I won All Missouri for a feature story I wrote.” 

Who is your biggest inspiration and why?

“My biggest inspiration is my younger sister, Corinne. She’s in third grade this year, and we’ve always been super close even with our nine-year age gap, but she motivated me through some of my toughest times without even knowing she did. She gives me a lot of hope and happiness, and I hope that I can return it to her one day. Everything I work for and do is for her.” 

What’s a song that describes your high school experience? Why did you choose that one?

“I would pick ‘Angles’ by Mick Jenkins, Noname, and Xavier Omär because I don’t connect it to high school entirely — but my perspective and self growth, which is what the song is about, finding the real you and getting to know who you are — which I think can be important, especially for this age.”

If we looked at your FYP for 20 minutes, what would we learn about you?

“You would probably learn very quickly that I’m not a serious person most of the time. I have a very ‘unserious’ and satirical humor, so you’d probably see a lot of ‘cringetok’, I guess. Journalism is a big part of my personality but I’m also very creative minded, so lots of things like art, music, etc., are all within my interest.”

What’s your favorite tradition at Staley?

“My favorite Staley tradition is probably our student section. I don’t stand in the student section a lot because it can be overwhelming, and most of the time I’m on the court or the field taking photos, but I love the energy and excitement of it all.” 

Who is your most memorable teacher or school coach? Why did you choose them?

“Ms. Burgett and Mrs. Sobbe are my most memorable teachers because they are the people I’ve spent the most time around, and they’ve really seen me grow as a student and person. Ms. B is close with all her publication staff, and although it can be tough work and she can be strict, she really wants the best for each and every one of her students. And of course, Mrs. Sobbe is known to yearbook as “fun Aunt Sobbe,” so she always comes in to stir up some trouble on occasion or give us a laugh or motivation, especially when we need it.” 

Eliana Brannlund (Ali Schulz)

Eliana Brannlund

What did you think when you heard you were chosen as a homecoming queen candidate?

“I felt really thankful to hear my name and to be with such other amazing candidates.” 

What sports and activities are you involved with at school or otherwise?

At Staley, I’ve been in band for four years, HOSA for two years and the Catalyst program for two years. Outside of school, I dance and have been in the Northland Youth Symphony Orchestra.”

When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?

“I wanted to be a fashion designer for the longest time, then switched to wanting to be a nurse like my aunts.” 

What do you want to do after you graduate high school?

“Attend Mizzou to study Biochemistry, then go to medical school to become a Dermatologist.” 

What is one of your best high school memories?

“The Monday night rehearsals with the band.”

Who is your biggest inspiration and why?

“My mom because she is the strongest and smartest person I know, and I’m so very grateful to have her in my life.”

What’s a song that describes your high school experience? Why did you choose that one?

“‘Don’t Stop The Party’ by Pitbull because high school has let me experience some of my best memories, and I hope to continue these memories in the future.” 

If we looked at your FYP for 20 minutes, what would we learn about you?

“I enjoy watching movies or TV shows (I just finished an episode of ‘Shake It Up’), fashion and learning about events that go on around the world.”

What’s your favorite tradition at Staley?

“Our pep rallies because I love getting to see all of our different clubs and activities come together into one big community.” 

Who is your most memorable teacher or school coach? Why did you choose them?

“Dr. Mitchell because she fights for what she believes in and is always positive.”


Christina Black (Ali Schulz)

Christina Black

What did you think when you heard you were chosen as a homecoming queen candidate?

“I was like, ‘Oh my gosh, no way,’ but I just kinda screamed, ‘Oh yeah!'”

What sports and activities are you involved with at school or otherwise?

“Art Club, BSU, Choir.”

When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?

“I wanted to be Judge Judy.”

What do you want to do after you graduate high school?

“I want to work my way to becoming an anesthesiologist.”

What is one of your best high school memories?

“My sophomore soccer season because I did it with my best friend, and we had a lot of fun.”

Who is your biggest inspiration and why?

“My mom because she’s very driven and loving, and she’s always been there for me.”

What’s a song that describes your high school experience? Why did you choose that one?

“‘Never Grow Up,’ by Taylor Swift because of how many times I’ve thought about wishing I didn’t have to grow up.”

If we looked at your FYP for 20 minutes, what would we learn about you?

“That I really like Olivia Rodrigo.”

What’s your favorite tradition at Staley?

“The Musical.”

Who is your most memorable teacher or school coach? Why did you choose them?

“Mr. Lorenson because he’s really funny and always says hi to me.”

Alicia Cantwell (Ali Schulz)

Alicia Cantwell

What did you think when you heard you were chosen as a homecoming queen candidate?

“I was so excited to even be thought of.”

What sports and activities are you involved with at school or otherwise?

“Cheer, adaptive PE.”

When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?

“FBI agent.”

What do you want to do after you graduate high school?

“Go to college and become an elementary teacher.”

What is one of your best high school memories?

“Cheering on the sidelines with my friends.”

Who is your biggest inspiration and why?

“My dad; he fills our house with love and fun. He taught me to always be kind to those around me and look for the good in people. He always taught me to work hard for what I want and always believe in myself.”

What’s a song that describes your high school experience? Why did you choose that one?

“‘Fine Line’ – Harry Styles”

If we looked at your FYP for 20 minutes, what would we learn about you?

“That I love Halloween, dogs, cheer and traveling.” 

What’s your favorite tradition at Staley?

“‘Don’t mess with the best, ’cause the best don’t mess. Don’t fool around with a cool, ’cause the cool don’t fool. Now stop, get rocking! Now stop, get rocking! Staley on three, 1-2-3 STALEY’ cheer chant we do as a team has always been my favorite.” 

Who is your most memorable teacher or school coach? Why did you choose them?

“Coach Bailey, the head cheer, coach has been the best coach I could’ve asked for. She has believed in me when no one else did and has always loved every one of her Staley cheerleaders. She has shaped me and many other students to be the best versions of ourselves.”

Amira Cash (Ali Schulz)

Amira Marie Cash

What did you think when you heard you were chosen as a homecoming queen candidate?

“Honestly, just shocked. I’ve never been one to really care about this stuff, so to speak. But I’m honored that people thought of me for this!”

What sports and activities are you involved with at school or otherwise?

Tennis, Track and Early College Academy

When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?

“I always wanted to be a Doctor/Chiropractor. I loved playing doctor as a kid with my parents and little sister. I’ve always had the passion of wanting to help others in any way that l can!”

What do you want to do after you graduate high school?

“Attend Northwest Missouri State.”

What is one of your best high school memories?

“My favorite memories in general at Staley are football games and track meets. The atmosphere of the community and the family l have created is something I’ll cherish forever.”

Who is your biggest inspiration and why?

“Both of my parents; they both have faced some seriously tough things, but they always seem to come out on top. They are both an inspiration to me. I love saying they are my parents!” 

What’s a song that describes your high school experience? Why did you choose that one?

“Young, Wild & Free (Feat. Bruno Mars) Snoop Dog, Wiz Khalifa. I say this song because while we are young and don’t have many responsibilities, being a kid going out and having fun should be at the top of the list. Of course, though, staying on top of school and athletics are #1!”

If we looked at your FYP for 20 minutes, what would we learn about you?

“That l love to laugh, my friends, and I normally choose to watch TikToks on my phone because they are ‘always funny.’ I’ve spent many late nights with friends just laughing our butts off. But also that I am really into hair, nails and lashes — something I’ve always wanted to do for people to make them feel great about themselves!”

What’s your favorite tradition at Staley?

“All the little cheers and stuff we have for assembly and football games!” 

Who is your most memorable teacher or school coach? Why did you choose them?

“Mr. Buck. He was always so kind, thoughtful, and always was a great listener. Always asking questions about how l was doing and about my sports.”


Danielle Deterding (Ali Schulz)

Danielle Deterding

What did you think when you heard you were chosen as a homecoming queen candidate?

“I felt very happy and excited, and I was very honored that my senior class voted for me.”

What sports and activities are you involved with at school or otherwise?

“Emeralds dance team, Secretary of Student Council, Leadership, National Honor Society, Adaptive P.E.”

When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?

“When I was younger I loved performing and dancing and always imagined myself being in a big show on Broadway with an audience full of people.”

What do you want to do after you graduate high school?

“I was born and raised a Mizzou Tiger, and I want to continue that tradition and attend the University of Missouri.”

What is one of your best high school memories?

“Going to Orlando, Florida, for dance team nationals with the Emeralds my sophomore year. We placed really well and had so much fun.”

Who is your biggest inspiration and why?

“My biggest inspiration would be my Nonno (my grandfather) because he immigrated to America from Italy all alone when he was 17 to have a better life for himself. He eventually owned his own business doing hair and became very successful. He has always taught me to dream big and work hard for what I want to achieve. I hope to have the same bravery and drive he has.”

What’s a song that describes your high school experience? Why did you choose that one?

“A song that describes my high school experience would be ‘Memories’ by David Guetta because I have made so many memories at this school and met some of my best friends. I have been blessed to be a part of so many different aspects of high school life that not everyone gets to do. This has allowed me to become friends with people I may not have met otherwise.”

If we looked at your FYP for 20 minutes, what would we learn about you?

“You would learn that I love dancing, that I enjoy makeup and skin care tutorials and how much I love dogs because I always get cute puppy videos. You would also see how much I love spending time with my friends.”

What’s your favorite tradition at Staley?

“I really enjoy hallway decorating for Homecoming because it’s so fun to see everyone working together to decorate our class hallways. I also like that its a competition because I am very competitive. ”

Who is your most memorable teacher or school coach? Why did you choose them?

“My most memorable teacher would be Mrs. Sobbe because she is so fun and sweet, and her classroom is such a welcoming environment for everyone.”


Annie Johnson (Ali Schulz)

Annie Johnson

What did you think when you heard you were chosen as a homecoming queen candidate?

“I was shocked. I knew a few people who were voting for me, but I didn’t expect to get in the top 16. But I’m excited to see what will happen in the round narrowing it down to top 5.”

What sports and activities are you involved with at school or otherwise?

Cross country, track and choir.

When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?

“I wanted to be a marine biologist.”

What do you want to do after you graduate high school?

“I haven’t quite figured out what I want to major in yet, but hopefully I’ll figure it out within the first year of college.”

What is one of your best high school memories?

“I loved going to Colorado with the XC team and getting to know all the girls on the team better, especially the underclassmen that I didn’t know as well and making amazing memories with them that I will never forget.” 

Who is your biggest inspiration and why?

“My older sister because she is always kind to everyone she interacts with and always happy and willing to serving others.”

What’s a song that describes your high school experience? Why did you choose that one?

“‘All Too Well’ by Taylor Swift because this song talks about how she remembers all these memories she had in a specific instance all too well, and although I’m not relating it to the same thing she did, I will always remember the best memories I’ve had while in high school.”

If we looked at your FYP for 20 minutes, what would we learn about you?

“You would learn that my main sport is XC, and I love spending time with the girls on my team. You would probably also learn that I am a Christian, and you would probably find out that I am a die-hard Taylor Swift fan.”

What’s your favorite tradition at Staley?

“All the different spirit weeks we have.”

Who is your most memorable teacher or school coach? Why did you choose them?

“Mr. Takahashi. I had him last year for Art 1 and then again this year for AP Art History. I chose him because he is so selfless and truly cares about your grades and you as a person. He always makes class fun and puts people in a better mood because of his happy personality.”

Julia Lipp (Ali Schulz)

Julia Lipp

What did you think when you heard you were chosen as a homecoming queen candidate?

“When I heard that I was selected as a homecoming queen candidate, I was very shocked and was in disbelief, but once it settled in, I felt very excited and was honored to be considered as someone worthy of the position.”

What sports and activities are you involved with at school or otherwise?

“This year, I am involved in Cross Country, Track and Field, Spanish Club as an officer, National Honor Society, National English Honor Society, and I volunteer with the Adaptive Physical Education Class.”

When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?

“As a child, I wanted to be a nurse and help deliver babies.”

What do you want to do after you graduate high school?

“After high school, I want to attend university and double major in nursing and Spanish.” 

What is one of your best high school memories?

“One of my favorite high school memories was going to Colorado with my Cross Country team and having the ability to play Ultimate Frisbee in the most beautiful valley.”

Who is your biggest inspiration and why?

“My biggest inspiration is easily my mother. She has worked hard her entire life raising her children, dealing with hardships along the way and never complained or lacked at her job as a parent. She has taught me to always have humility and to accept unexpected friendships. I accredit my strength and resilience to her, and I aspire to spread her joy and kindness all throughout my life.” 

What’s a song that describes your high school experience? Why did you choose that one?

“I think a song that encompasses my high school experience is ‘No Such Thing’ by John Mayer. It talks about overcoming the uncertainty of the future that I felt during my first years of high school and reassures that your life after high school does not have to be so set-in-stone and that you can find happiness outside of your ultimate career goals.” 

If we looked at your FYP for 20 minutes, what would we learn about you?

“If you were to scroll my feed for 20 minutes, you would learn about my love of nature, travel and fitness. You would also discover my sense of humor.”

What’s your favorite tradition at Staley?

“My favorite tradition at Staley is the Blackout Run. I love to help host the charity with my Cross Country team and raise money for Childhood Cancer Awareness.”

Who is your most memorable teacher or school coach? Why did you choose them?

“My most memorable teacher is Mr. Anderson. He knew how to connect with his students and proved that he truly cared about each of them as an individual. He was vulnerable and was never afraid to be himself in any situation. He has inspired me, and I hope to carry similar values to him throughout adulthood.”


Annamarie Malena (Ali Schulz)

Annamarie Malena

What did you think when you heard you were chosen as a homecoming queen candidate?

“I was genuinely shocked and I didn’t expect it but I was excited and happy to be chosen.”

What sports and activities are you involved with at school or otherwise?

“Staley softball, Leadership, Early College, manage baseball.”

When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?

“When I grew up I wanted to be a doctor and always knew I wanted to help people in some way.”

What do you want to do after you graduate high school?

“After I graduate high school I either want to get into nursing or something to do with forensic science/criminology.”

What is one of your best high school memories?

“My best high school memories are playing with my best friends every week for softball and going out of town or being in the student section for basketball at state.”

Who is your biggest inspiration and why?

“My biggest inspiration is my mom. She passed away when I was 8 from cancer, but I always remember how she had a smile on her face no matter what and was always the most positive person in the room even in her toughest battles. She to this day is the strongest person I know.”

What’s a song that describes your high school experience? Why did you choose that one?

“‘Ribs’ by Lorde. I feel like the song talks about how scary it can be to grow up and move on from what you know best and that everything will be OK and that those memories will be there forever. ”

If we looked at your FYP for 20 minutes, what would we learn about you?

“You would learn that I love everything skincare, and I like watching videos about fashion. You’d also probably learn that I love sports since highlights are all over my fyp.”

What’s your favorite tradition at Staley?

“I think my favorite tradition would be singing the fight song or alma matter because it brings the whole school together.”

Who is your most memorable teacher or school coach? Why did you choose them?

“My most memorable teacher is Mr. Anderson. Although he is retired, he made a huge impact on my school career. He always motivated and me and pushed me to do my best. He also always asked how I was doing and genuinely cared if I was having a bad day.”


Ava Pickens (Ali Schulz)

Ava Pickens

What did you think when you heard you were chosen as a homecoming queen candidate?

“I felt super grateful and excited that I got chosen by my classmates!”

What sports and activities are you involved with at school or otherwise?

“Basketball, Volleyball, Stuco, Nest, STTV.”

When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?

“A doctor.”

What do you want to do after you graduate high school?

“As of right now, my plan is to attend Oklahoma University, and major in pre-dental.”

What is one of your best high school memories?

“Getting to be a part of an amazing basketball program since my freshman year, and getting to go to state and have an awesome experience with the team.” 

Who is your biggest inspiration and why?

“My mom is my biggest inspiration. She has the kindest heart and is always there for anyone. She is the hardest worker I know, and I strive to be like her.”

What’s a song that describes your high school experience? Why did you choose that one?

“‘Good Old Days’ because the lyrics relate to me and my high school experience — cherishing every moment.”

If we looked at your FYP for 20 minutes, what would we learn about you?

“You would learn that I have a funny sense of humor and I love to watch fashion, cooking and college videos!”

What’s your favorite tradition at Staley?

“The homecoming parade because you get to see all of the creative minds from different sports and activities and put it together in a float!”

Who is your most memorable teacher or school coach? Why did you choose them?

“Michael Bennett because no matter what, he has always treated his players with respect and love. He acts as a father figure to all of us.”

Keirra Reaves (Ali Schulz)

Kierra Reaves

What did you think when you heard you were chosen as a homecoming queen candidate?

“I was shocked to be nominated and very excited.”

What sports and activities are you involved with at school or otherwise?

“Orchestra for 7 years, color guard for 5 years, track and field for 1 year.”

When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?

“I wanted to be a surgeon.”

What do you want to do after you graduate high school?

“Practice in sports medicine.”

What is one of your best high school memories?

“Winter guard champs 2023.”

Who is your biggest inspiration and why?

“My color guard coach because she is the sweetest person, and she juggled college while coaching color guard and volleyball. She is an elementary teacher now in the district.”

What’s a song that describes your high school experience? Why did you choose that one?

“‘Miss Independent’ by Ne-Yo. I felt with Covid in the beginning of my high school career, being independent was a big part in getting through high school.”

If we looked at your FYP for 20 minutes, what would we learn about you?

“You would learn that I have a unique sense of humor and that I always am invested in a three-minute story time.”

What’s your favorite tradition at Staley?

“Staley band seniors on senior night leave their shoes on the field as they walk off, for younger band members to pick up.”

Who is your most memorable teacher or school coach? Why did you choose them?

“Mr. Buck because he always had a smile on his face and made his learning environment a safe space to be in.”

Alana Romey (Ali Schulz)

Alana Romey

What did you think when you heard you were chosen as a homecoming queen candidate?

“I was overall surprised and glad that my peers think of my highly enough to vote for me.” 

What sports and activities are you involved with at school or otherwise?

“Soccer, flag football, indoor skydiving, basketball freshman year.”

When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?

“I wanted to be a paleontologist alongside my best friend, Lia.” 

What do you want to do after you graduate high school?

“I will be playing college soccer and hopefully working toward a career in archaeology/Egyptology.”

What is one of your best high school memories?

“My best high school memory was giving my freshman ELA class a Star Wars presentation on May the 4th. I later went on that night and scored a goal in a varsity soccer match, and I did a Star Wars lightsaber celebration.”

Who is your biggest inspiration and why?

“My biggest inspiration is my dad because of his perseverance to accomplish what he dreams of. He has been a professional skydiver, business president, first responder and so much more. I hope I can achieve as many amazing things that he has in his lifetime.”

What’s a song that describes your high school experience? Why did you choose that one?

“‘Where’d All the Time Go’ by Dr. Dog best describes my high school experience. The song revolves around the idea of how time slips from us before we know it. I feel that these past four years have gone by in the blink of an eye, and I wish I had more time.” 

If we looked at your FYP for 20 minutes, what would we learn about you?

“You’d learn I love a good joke and Timothée Chalamet.”

What’s your favorite tradition at Staley?

“My favorite tradition is the USA themed HOCO football game.”

Who is your most memorable teacher or school coach? Why did you choose them?

“My most memorable coach would be Drambour. He always knows how to help me with my problems on and off the field. He’s incredibly caring, funny and an overall good person.”

Hannah Sheer (Ali Schulz)

Hannah Sheer

What did you think when you heard you were chosen as a homecoming queen candidate?

“We were in the dugout during a game, and all the parents started cheering for me and Annamarie because they saw the post, and I was just genuinely happy that I got to share that moment with a teammate I’m close with.” 

What sports and activities are you involved with at school or otherwise?

“Softball, swim, NHS, StuCo treasurer, choir.”

When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?

“I wanted to be doctor.”

What do you want to do after you graduate high school?

“I don’t have any set plans yet. I would love to try to play softball in college and ultimately find a career I love. ”

What is one of your best high school memories?

“Having a snow day in the hotel at state for swim sophomore year.”

Who is your biggest inspiration and why?

“My parents, because they’ve been able to grow a healthy relationship with good jobs and build a family, and that’s my ultimate goal in life.”

What’s a song that describes your high school experience? Why did you choose that one?

“‘Never Grow Up,’ by Taylor Swift; it basically just tells a story of a little girl growing up and how she wishes time would slow down, and that’s how I currently feel.”

If we looked at your FYP for 20 minutes, what would we learn about you?

“You would learn that I love shopping and keeping up with new trends but also that I love to keep up with things happening in sports, as well as the typical funny TikToks that never fail to make people laugh.” 

What’s your favorite tradition at Staley?

“Freshman First Day and the Homecoming Parade.”

Who is your most memorable teacher or school coach? Why did you choose them?

“My most memorable teacher would have to be Mr. Anderson because he made learning fun, and I will never forget the experiences I had in his class, but my favorite coach would definitely be Coach Schweitzer because he gave me a chance freshmen year, and now I’ve grown up to meet the most amazing team of people and make lifelong memories.”

Mia Sollars (Ali Schulz)

Mia Sollars

What did you think when you heard you were chosen as a homecoming queen candidate?

“I was surprised and grateful that I would be nominated for such role.”

What sports and activities are you involved with at school or otherwise?

“Emeralds dance team (4 years), STUCO (4 years), Leadership, Musical, AVID (6 years), Peer Mentor, competition dance (13 years)”

When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?

“Interior Designer”

What do you want to do after you graduate high school?

“My plans after high school include pursuing an undergraduate degree from a four-year university studying business and interior design and hopefully dancing for their dance team.”

What is one of your best high school memories?

“Going to dance camp my sophomore year — it was our first year going to camp due to Covid. The experience really strengthened our team bond!”

Who is your biggest inspiration and why?

“My parents because they are hard working and do anything and everything to support me.”

What’s a song that describes your high school experience? Why did you choose that one?

“‘Good Days’ by SZA because it talks about moving away from the past into the present and looking forward to future and living life in the moment!”

If we looked at your FYP for 20 minutes, what would we learn about you?

“I am a foodie.”

What’s your favorite tradition at Staley?

“Freshman First Day. School spirit is at a high, and I love taking part in welcoming our new Falcons!”

Who is your most memorable teacher or school coach? Why did you choose them?

“Coach Holmes; she was like a mom to all of us girls on the team, consistently bringing her lively and uplifting energy whenever we needed it most.”

Taylar Thomas (Ali Schulz)

Taylar Thomas

What did you think when you heard you were chosen as a homecoming queen candidate?

“When I heard my name announced for Homecoming queen candidate I felt so honored and excited that I was voted in by my peers.”

What sports and activities are you involved with at school or otherwise?

“I have been on the Emeralds for 4 years and Captain for 2 years. I have been in Student Council for 4 years. Leadership for two years. I am the Student Body President for the 2023-2024 school year. I am also the class of 2024 Superintendent Student Council Representative. I am also a part of NHS, Hope Squad and BSU. I have been in AVID for 7 years. I also danced competitively at Kristi’s Academy of Dance for 13 years.” 

When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?

“When I was kid I wanted to be Real Estate Agent. My favorite thing was to watch HGTV with my mom.”

What do you want to do after you graduate high school?

“After I graduate high school I would like to attend a university and major in business and also be a part of that university’s dance team.”

What is one of your best high school memories?

“One of my best high school memories is when the Emeralds went to nationals, and we accomplished our goal and placed in the Top 5 for nationals. It was such an amazing experience, and we worked so hard preparing for that moment. Not only did we meet our expectations, we exceeded.”

Who is your biggest inspiration and why?

“My biggest inspiration is my mom. She is selfless and caring. If I have a problem I know that I can always count on my mom to be there for me. She teaches me how to be the best version of myself. She always tells me that I don’t have to be perfect, but I just have to be great.”

What’s a song that describes your high school experience? Why did you choose that one?

“One song that describes my high school experience is ‘Savage Remix’ by Beyonce and Megan Thee Stallion. My favorite hook in the song is, ‘I’m a boss, I’m a leader.” Not only can I relate to this, I apply this to everything that I do. This song just reminds me of who I am and what I can do. It’s also one of my favorite TikTok dances.”

If we looked at your FYP for 20 minutes, what would we learn about you?

“If you looked on my FYP for 20 minutes you would learn that I like to cook, dance, clean and play ‘Fortnite.'”

What’s your favorite tradition at Staley?

“One of my favorite traditions at Staley is Homecoming. The whole week is so fun, and not only can the whole school be involved, the community as well.”

Who is your most memorable teacher or school coach? Why did you choose them?

“This question is so hard because I honestly feel like that I have grown from each of my teachers that I have had. Each teacher has impacted my life, and it would be impossible to just choose one.”

Bayli Wolfer (Ali Schulz)

Bayli Wolfer

What did you think when you heard you were chosen as a homecoming queen candidate?

“I was really excited and immediately texted my friends, ‘This is the best day ever!'”

What sports and activities are you involved with at school or otherwise?

“Tennis, Swim, StuCo.”

When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?

“When I was a kid I wanted to be a pop star. I loved to sing and dance and gave many shows to my family in our living room.”

What do you want to do after you graduate high school?

“I am very undecided on a career path but plan to go to college and am interested in real estate.”

What is one of your best high school memories?

“The football games are probably my favorite time of the year, and the memories I have made with friends by dressing up, doing cheers and just having fun are some of the best. But being a Hoco candidate is also a super exciting time!”

Who is your biggest inspiration and why?

“There are many inspirations in my life, but one of the biggest would probably be my friend Maddie because she is so kind to everyone and makes such a positive impact while also working so hard. Everything she does makes me want to grow to be a better person.”

What’s a song that describes your high school experience? Why did you choose that one?

“‘Never Grow Up’ by Taylor Swift because it talks about how fast time flies by and how you sometimes take younger years for granted. Everyone told me high school goes by fast, but I didn’t realize it until the first day of senior year.”

If we looked at your FYP for 20 minutes, what would we learn about you?

“You would probably learn that I love Taylor Swift because most of the time there are lots of videos about her!”

What’s your favorite tradition at Staley?

“I love the celebration for dances and for football games. The energy at assemblies is so upbeat and is such a fun way to get people involved and have a good time.”

Who is your most memorable teacher or school coach? Why did you choose them?

“Mr. Mauzey is very memorable for me because I have had him for most of my high school years and love the positive impact he brings. He is so easy to talk to and can help with almost any problem as well as brings fun to the classroom environment.”



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