Students Rejected from Education

Mistie Morgan, Reporter

In 2001, a movement called the No Child Left Behind Act was approved for schools to ensure that all students will be given the attention and the opportunities they need to be successful. When people become teachers, they are making a promise to help their students in any way they are able. Through most of my high school experience, teachers have been lacking in that promise.

At the beginning of the school year, teachers go through the usual routine of introducing themselves and speaking highly of the subject being taught. They tell you that if you have a question you should bring it to their attention so the two of you can find some ground and resolve the issue. You think to yourself about how this teacher might care whether you pass or fail, but it’s later proven that your previous assumptions are incorrect.

Staley High School has set high expectations for students when the staff does not seem to care about the students’ success. One high expectation is attendance. When I am not able to make it to school due to being sick, I am in the wrong and it is my fault I missed my classes. Although that may not be the case, it is implied. When I brought it to my teacher’s attention, they simply hand me worksheets and dismiss the fact that I’m unaware of how to complete the material.

There are some teachers who honestly care about their students and I feel as if they’re not being recognized enough. Those kinds of teachers are what boost students’ self-confidence and want to accomplish great things. They’re the teachers who would take the time out of their day to focus on helping children understand the subject so they can achieve their goals without any worries. The connection between a teacher and student is crucial and most essential when in the learning environment because of the communication.

All in all, teachers leave students in the dust to wander in the gravel and expect them to find their way back. When a student brings their absence to the attention of a teacher that they missed a lesson that had been taught, the teacher should not just shrug their shoulders. I feel like some teachers have forgotten the purpose of being a teacher. To be a great educator, you must care about your students.