Emeralds Step Up at State

March 6, 2013
The Emeralds once again earned a trip to the state competition on Feb. 23 at St. Louis, Missouri.
“Part of it is practice, and a lot of it is the mindset before we compete,” said senior Becca Henton.
At regional competition Jan. 22, the Emeralds claimed first place in pom and second in dance.
“It felt good. It made me feel more confident about winning state,” said senior Jordan Thornton.
Dancing to a Madonna Mix, at state the Emeralds placed first for pom. Along with a jazz dance to the song “Cracks” by Flux Pavillion., the Emeralds placed second. Overall, the team placed second in state. The Emeralds were also the team with the highest GPA in the competition.
“Our success has been based on determination, leadership and a lot of teamwork,” said senior Caroline Stull.