One Short Day In The Emerald City

Annual Show Brings Changes
Choirs Emerald City Concert, April 19
Choir’s Emerald City Concert, April 19
Sophie Holman

The vocal music department performed their first Emerald City yearend concert with new choral director Jazz Rucker April 19.

Chamber choir sang three pieces: “Freedom In A Perfect World,” “If You’re Out There” and “Move!.

“I liked being able to sing with my friends and getting one final opportunity to be in Emerald City,” senior Garrett Otting said.

Some of the performances were “Fast Paced Life” with Falcon Chorale and “Man or Muppet” and “Kung Fu Fighting” with bass choir. All choirs worked for weeks to put on the show.

“It was fun being dramatic in a silly song and hearing everyone laugh,” Baker said.

Asher Favre belted “Burn” from “Hamilton,” and treble sang “Brave,” varsity choir sang “Feet Don’t Fail Me Now.” Seniors Emily Peck,  James Taylor and Garrett Otting  performed “I’m Just Ken.” Seven small acts were included in Emerald City, allowing students to show special talents or entertain the audience.

“It was a fun experience, and me and my group will cherish it as our little final thing for senior year,” Peck said.

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