Devious Licks Equals Devious Consequences
Students Hope Vandalism, Theft At School Will End
A missing soap dispenser in one of the Staley bathrooms. Photo by Landyn Goldberg
September 16, 2021
Schools across the United States have been plagued with a new epidemic: the devious licks. Students are joining in on a major TikTok trend where they steal items or vandalize their school. The items have ranged from soap dispensers, paper towel dispensers and even extremes such as desks and chairs.
Staley has been one of the schools affected by this epidemic. In many bathrooms across the school, soap dispensers, mirrors, paper towels and toilet paper have been stolen. This is a problem for students.
“I think it’s more of an inconvenience than anything,” senior Abby White said. “It’s kind of funny to watch on TikTok, but when it comes to the school, it’s more of an inconvenience.”
The trend blew up as students returned back to school. It consists of a person videoing themselves pulling their “lick” out of the bag.
“When I first saw it on TikTok, it was funny,” junior Jackson Phelps said.
The trend was appealing to many students, but now that the students are affected, their view is different.
“When I go into the bathroom and I’m going there to do my business and there’s no soap, there’s no paper towels, I’m like, ‘Come on man,’” Phelps said. “It’s honestly kind of annoying.”
Senior Mehki Taylor thinks the trend is a bad idea due to what is still going on in the world.
“No one can even use the bathroom,” Taylor said. “All the soap is gone. It’s kind of weird and kind of nasty, especially with COVID and stuff.”
Students such as senior Michael Huey are scared about how much worse the trend can get if it isn’t stopped.
“I’ve seen people at other schools stealing stall doors,” Huey said. “I’m not really comfortable sitting next to another person and just staring at each other in the bathroom.”
Huey believes the potential virality from the trend is making the students selfish and not realize the effects it has on others outside of just the student body.
“They don’t realize the resources and the people who actually have to go in and repair that kind of stuff,” Huey said. “These people are busy doing other stuff, and now you’re sending them to the bathrooms because you’re destroying them and vandalizing them.”
Administration is aware of the problems and working on a solution and punishing the students involved.
“We’re putting out a couple messages to our student body and to our parents just letting them know what it is that we’ve seen at our school so that it raises their level of awareness,” principal Larry Smith, Ed.D. said. “We’re hopeful that that will help students make better choices and help parents work with their students.”
On Sept. 16, Smith said an in email to students, staff and parents that the school will be prosecuting anyone who is caught.
“We will be prosecuting (and already have) any students who destroy school property. If we have evidence that the student is destroying property, they will also have an obligation placed on their account for the amount of money it will take to repair the item,” Smith said in his email.
Because of the vandalism and theft, the district is needing to use more of their budget.
“We have to work with our district and our school budgets,” Smith said. “We will have to work to replace things that are damaged.”
However the only way the district will not need to continue to get into the budget will be if the students involved are caught.
“Students that are caught damaging those items will be held responsible and will have to pay for those items as well,” said Smith.
Phelps is noticing changes being made and knows the schools are getting involved.
“I walked in today, and all the soap dispensers and everything was there,” Phelps said Wednesday, Sept. 15. “I think they’re doing the best that they can.”
Students are ready for the trend to end and move on.
“We got to end this,” Phelps said. “We have to continue to just not do that. We need stuff around the school.”
Madison Clark • Sep 17, 2021 at 12:04 PM
This is ridiculous. I saw the other day that the paper towel dispensers weren’t working and the soap thing was NOT there. Whoever did this trend needs to be punished, why would people ruin such a beautiful school?
Landon Collins • Sep 16, 2021 at 11:28 PM
This isn’t cool. It’s not a trend. It’s illegal and not funny. We’re in high school we should respect ourselves and our schools. I’ve caught one person and I put the soap back don’t let them slide tell them it’s not cool no one is going to think your cool for stealing. Don’t do everything I’m TikTok for publicity. Do better for you and your school these are people who want you to succeed in life. These are schools that want u in them and your destroying them making all of us look bad and making them take away our rights. Not cool