Taking on the Senior Role

Juniors Transition to Seniors

Kyla Gaines

The transition from junior to senior year is heavily stressed onto students by counselors first talking to students as underclassmen about preparing for the senior-to- college transition. These visits with juniors begin the discussion of college and plans for after high school. The process then moves on during senior year to actually applying for colleges and scholarships.

“It’s very important that juniors understand that the timing to start preparing for their senior year is in the summer before it actually starts,” said counselor Jennifer Grossman.

Advisers and teachers, such as counselor Jennifer Grossman, suggest taking care of many crucial tasks before senior year so there is time to take care of planning the next step in life. The things they recommend to do in order to be ready for the junior to senior transition include: taking college and AP classes, going on many college visits, prepping for ACT/SAT tests, begin looking at qualifications for financial aid or consider college payment, and begin considering the transition into a functioning adult of society.

“Being a senior is almost like its own curricular activity. They have to budget time to take care of things they need to do,” said Grossman.

Underclassmen generally look forward to their senior year. The reality of senior year is a year to prepare for the next step in life, whether that be college, working or potential internships. The counselors work to best prepare students for whatever the circumstance.

“I feel like all juniors are kind of getting ready for the fact that we have to decide what we want to do really soon, and our decision could affect our whole life,” said junior Addison Kimmel.