Flockapella performs at the end-of-school year Emerald City choir concert.
Flockapella performs at the end-of-school year Emerald City choir concert.
Sophie Holman

Introducing Flockapella

New Acapella Group Performs

The school year brought many changes in the choir department, one of them being a new acapella choir group – Flockapella.

“I was really excited to be one of the first members of the new group,” senior Paisley Vincent said.

Flockapella is a small group of singers who create sounds and music without the help of instruments. To create the group, accompanist Daniel Yung met with choir members, pitched the idea and Flockapella was born. Auditions were held and singers were selected to be a part of the group.

“Starting something new and putting it together was fun and rewarding,” Yung said.

The group sang “Good Mornin’” by Meghan Trainor and “Dance The Night” by Dua Lipa in the Emerald City concert April 18 and 19.

“As a whole, we did pretty well, especially with the level of preparation we had,” freshman Isabella Morgan said. “I do wish we had a little more time to prepare, especially once we added the choreography to our pieces.”

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