Hand-Me-Down Advice

Seniors Write Letters To Their Freshman Siblings

Dear Faith, 

     After six years we’re finally in the same school again! Even if I don’t always tell you, I enjoy seeing you during the day, talking with you, and yes, driving you to school isn’t that bad. I’ll miss you so much when I’m at college next year and I’m sure you’ll miss the car ride to school. For this I have two pieces of advice; one: get ready faster so you don’t miss the bus, and two: make friends who can drive.

     Now, a little bit of advice for next year. I know you want the AP capstone diploma (mostly to outdo me, but whatever), it’s going to take hard work, but I know you can do it. Study for every test and turn in all your homework. What do you have to lose by trying? When you get to AP Seminar and AP Research always keep up with the deadlines (you’ll wish you had listened to me in *checks watch* about two years), and study hard for the national tests.

     And Faith, everyone tells me that little sisters look up to their big sisters, but I want you to know that I look up to you too. You never let anyone keep you from being yourself and your ability to put absolute faith in people is astounding.

Freshman Faith Wilson and Senior Hannah Wilson (Humberto Bermudez)

You’ve got this!



P.S. You finally got one of my letters! :D



Dear Colin,

     I am going to miss you so much next year. I am sorry I am leaving you alone to be the center of attention for mom and dad to always have eyes on . I am going to miss playing sports, watching Law & Order: SVU, and singing several songs including “Heat Waves” and “All of Me” while driving to Freddy’s to get dinner. You have been one of the main people I talk to about my problems, and I want to thank you for that. You have been the best brother by always supporting me and helping me when I need it. 

     Now it is time for me to help you. I have several pieces of advice that I have learned over the past four years that I would like to give to you. Number one, DO NOT procrastinate! You will always be behind in high school and stressed if you procrastinate. Number two, go to football games, volleyball games, soccer games, basketball games, school dances, etc. You will miss out on the high school experience if you decide to play video games with your friends instead of going to a game or dance. It will be over in the blink of an eye, and you will regret it if you don’t enjoy it now. Number three, don’t care about what others think of you. The only opinion that matters is yours and high school will be ten times more fun if you stop caring what others think.

Freshman Colin Keaveney and Senior Bree Keaveney (Humberto Bermudez)

     I just want you to know that I am only a call away. If you need anything next year just dial and I will pick up. I will always have time for my little brother (even though you are not so little anymore).

Love, Bree



     It’s going to be different, being in high school by yourself without me or Charlie, but don’t let that affect you. You’re a smart, bright, talented kid, with a chance to reach so many of the goals you set for yourself.

      I don’t know how the rest of your high school career is going to go, all I know is that no matter what happens, you can get through it. You have such a high passion for the things you do, even if you don’t fully realize it. It takes a lot of time and energy to stick with something for all four years of your high school career, but if you really like it, and really enjoy it, it won’t seem like a chore or like you’re being forced to do it.

Freshman CJ Sheckells and Senior Chloe Sheckells (Humberto Bermudez)

     You’re such an amazing brother, student, and friend and I’m so excited to see what high school brings you. I might be in a different state for college but I’ll always be one call away.

Sincerely, Chloe