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Freeze Dried Candy: Crunchy, Airy

Comparing Freeze Dried To Regular Versions Of Candy

When comparing a classic candy to a new, innovative version, there are quite a few differences. Freeze drying candy removes the moisture, causing gummy or chewy candy to get big and airy. The Sow Good has a line of classic candies like gummy worms, peach rings and Skittles freeze dried into a crunchy, airy candy. Each bag retailed for $5 at 5 Below. On their website, prices vary. 

Sour Skittles vs. Sow Good Freeze Dried Sour Spheres  




There are a couple of differences in  the two candies. The main one is of course the texture. The sour Skittles are chewy with a crunchy outer layer, while the freeze dried candy is crunchy. Another big difference is the level of sour. The freeze dried candy is more sour than the Skittles. I really enjoyed the freeze dried Sour Spheres because they had a good crunch and strong flavor. I liked the Sour Skittles better, giving them a 4 out of 5 and the freeze dried Sour Spheres a 3 out of 5.


Peach Rings vs. Sow Good Freeze Dried Peach Perfect 



Peach Rings are one of my favorite candies, so I was super excited to see the freeze dried version of them. The freeze dried version is very fluffy and crunchy. But the main difference I noticed is the sweetness. The freeze dried candy is much sweeter than the gummy. I really liked the freeze dried Peach Rings. They had a really good flavor to them, and I would buy them again. I liked the freeze dried peach rings better, giving them a 5 out of 5, and I would give the Peach Ring gummies 2.5 out of 5.

Sour Gummy Worms vs. Sow Good Freeze Dried Sour Worms 












Sour gummy worms are a popular candy that has various flavors and shapes. But the freeze dried candy from the Sow Good features red and blue crunchy worms that are slightly sour. The main difference between these is that the freeze dried worms are not as sour as the gummies. I really liked the freeze dried worms because they are crunchy and have great flavor. I likes the freeze dried sour worms better, giving them a 4.5 out of 5, and I give the sour gummy worms a 4 out of 5. 





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