Chasing a Dream
A Message to Parents
Failure isn’t just a problem of taking care of your child. It’s also not wanting to see them hurt. So parents cast away their dreams for a safer alternative. Kill the dream early, so they won’t get hurt later on when they don’t or can’t attain it. The hopes of attending a college or university of your choice can seem like an un-attainable dream when parents refuse to support it. That’s what student Taya Brown said she is dealing with. “I want to go to school in Georgia, but my parents have said no. They want me to stay close to home and not go to far,” Brown said If a student is not motivated or encouraged to pursue what they most desire, they will go nowhere. “If a kid wants to go somewhere, you should just let them. They’re going to be their own person so you might as well let it happen now,” said Brown. “I’m not sure that they’ll ever let me go on to do what I’d like to pursue, but hopefully they do.” It’s better for parents to let their children make mistakes now and learn from them, then to force them into something they don’t want. The regret in later life of not having been given the chance of pursuing their dreams is far more painful then not letting them do something they’ll be happy with.