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File Photo: Courtwarming 2024
File Photo: Courtwarming 2024
Sophie Holman

StuCo Brings Changes To Courtwarming

No Candidates Being Elected To Court

It’s been a school year of changes from Student Council, starting off with the addition of Homecoming kings. For this week’s dance, there will be no court for Courtwarming, and it will be a social mixer rather than a formal or informal dance.

“The biggest difference is that we’re not having candidates, so we won’t have a king or queens,” Student Council president Eleanor Hihath said. “We kind of made up for that by adding Homecoming kings. I think we wanted Homecoming kings more.”

R.J. Collins, Jr., was crowned the school’s first-ever Homecoming king, whereas in all years past, kings were reserved for Courtwarming and Prom.

“I think adding the kings to Homecoming really worked, so we had to get rid of courts for Courtwarming,” Hihath said.

There will still be a Courtwarming basketball game against Raymore-Peculiar Panthers Feb. 7 at 7 p.m. in the Falcon Fieldhouse. The theme for the game, seniors and sophomores wear red, and juniors and freshmen wear pink, and the informal dance is directly afterward.

“We hope to have people come and show spirit toward the team, because we wanted to focus more on the basketball game and getting the attendance up for the dance,” StuCo sponsor McKay Lannigan said.

The theme for Courtwarming is “Cozy Courtwarming,” where students dress more comfy and casual, and the Student Council planned to have a popcorn bar and hot cocoa and music. Tickets are not required, but students must have their student ID. There are no outside guests allowed.

“We’re gonna have a bunch of food and everything. It’s not like Homecoming where you need a ticket, you just need your student ID,” Student Council Historian senior Cara Elam said.


Correction: An earlier version of this story said there would be a chocolate fountain and games. That information from a student council member was incorrect. There will be a popcorn bar and music.
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