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New Student Body President Wants More Involvement

Hihath Plans To Improve Group’s Communication
Ellia Mytsa

As a result of the Student Council election, rising senior Ellie Hihath was elected as the 2024-2025 Student Body President.

“I ran for president because I thought it would be a great opportunity for me to share my love for high school and how much of a good time I had and share that with people who maybe weren’t able to have the same experience,” Hihath. “But I would know I had control over it.”

Hihath wanted her campaign run in a way that would also give her perspective on the kind of president to be.

“My favorite part of campaigning was getting to talk to everybody,” Hihath said. “I went to a lot of freshmen classrooms and got to see what they were looking for in a candidate, and I thought that I would be that suitable candidate for them.”

When it came time for the announcement of the winner, Hihath had a memorable reaction.

“It was so exciting,” Hihath said. “I jumped up and down. I almost kicked my dog, but I tried not to. He was underneath the hammock when I jumped up, and then I ran to tell my mom.”

While she had hope for the election to go in her favor, she wasn’t completely certain that she would win.

“I had heard from a lot of people and had a lot of support from a lot of people, but I obviously thought it was a pretty fair game,” Hihath said.

Hihath had big plans for the upcoming school year, including a few internal changes within Student Council.

“I want to have a lot more involvement and a lot more advertising,” Hihath said. “I think communication is a big point we need to work on. Just making sure everyone knows the dance and all the fun things we have planned so we can get full-on involvement.”

However, there are some things that will continue to be the same.

“I’m going to keep how many people we had in Student Council,” Hihath said. “We had open applications last year, so we had a lot more people involved that probably wouldn’t have gotten involved, with a campaign.”

Most of all, Hihath was looking forward to keeping traditions going while also leaving a legacy.

 “I’m excited for all of the things that I love about high school that are through Student Council,” Hihath said. “So keeping all of those things happening like the fun we had at Hoco Spirit week freshman and sophomore year, how much fun we had at the games and spirit weeks. I want to have a lot of involvement and have everyone know it’s cool to participate and leave that legacy. It doesn’t matter what grade you are, everyone comes together for things like to support our football team.”

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