Staley Original: Shane Taylor
15 Original Staff Members Left In School's 15th Year
Science teacher Shane Taylor has mainly taught Physics throughout his teaching career. Though Taylor has been teaching for 28 years, the subject has been a constant during his 15 years at the school too.
“I’m kind of a physics guy,” Taylor said. “I really taught that for most of 28 years. It’s what makes the world go round.”
Besides a passion for his subject matter, Taylor also valued the chance teaching gave him to see many students grow. He’s taught and coached all three of his daughters. Outside of his own family, Taylor has received wedding invitations, baby announcements and had more than 600 Facebook friends who were former students.
“It’s been so cool to watch those kids grow up,” Taylor said.
Taylor said one of his favorite students was who he named his third daughter, Katy after. While Tayor had had an impact on many of his students, certain ones impacted his life as well.